Contact Us

New Life Assembly of God

501 W B Ave

P.O. Box 600

Cache, OK 73527


Phone: +1 580 429-3342 

Or use our contact form.

Regular Hours

We're here to welcome you. Please stop by and be our guests:


Sunday AM

 Personal Prayer 9:30 a.m.

Christian Education

10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship

10:45 a.m.

Kid's Blast Children's Church

10:45 a.m.


Sunday PM

Evening Service  6:00 p.m.




Wednesday PM

Cowet's Manna Kitchen

 6:15 p.m.

A free dinner is served to all.)

Pastor's Adult Bible Study  

7:00 p.m.

Kid's Blast 

6:15 p.m.


CrossFire Youth

 6:30 p.m. 

Ages 13 -18

Men's and Women's Fellowship & Other Activities as schedulele.

Our History

New Life Assembly of God was founded in Cache orginally as First Assembly of God in 1927 but has since changed the name to New Life Assembly of God.


The needs of our community seem to be growing by the day, and we have recently expanded to meet these needs. Over the years, we have learned that what people sometimes need the most is someone who will listen to their concerns - someone they can turn to for support when the going gets tough. And that's what New Life Assembly of God is all about.

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